Make Your Network Invisible

Keep your assets completely cloaked and undiscoverable on the network, with Byos Secure Edge™ Microsegmentation Solution

Some of the things Cybersecurity leaders have all been saying for years, are no longer true

Invisible access

"I can't connect my critical assets to the network because they would be exposed to attacks"

With Byos, devices can be invisible to the network they are connected to, while still being accessible from remote sources securely.

Vulnerable assets2

"My device has an unpatchable vulnerability and now I'm exposed"

Byos’ protection is decoupled from the device’s operating system, protecting the asset even if it presents OS-bound intrinsic vulnerabilities.

Remote access2

"I can't provide remote access to critical resources securely"

Byos provides an invisible overlay network across multiple remote locations, allowing for secure remote access to assets without being conditioned by the local network the assets sit in.

Byos gives you an entirely new way to protect, control, and access your network

Value For Industrial IoT 

Quite simply - Business drivers are costing too much money.

Byos Brings: 

BYOS-logo-Square-SocialMedia-Black small-1  Secure Remote Troubleshooting, without exposing the network to the internet

BYOS-logo-Square-SocialMedia-Black small-1  A network for aggregation of data

BYOS-logo-Square-SocialMedia-Black small-1  Prevention of the catastrophic risk of ransomware

Invisible assets, full access, improved efficiency, and reduced costs. Immediate Time to Value.

Value For Distributed Workforces 

You don't have to choose between protected or accessible assets.


Byos Brings: 

BYOS-logo-Square-SocialMedia-Black small-1  Secure Remote IT Management

BYOS-logo-Square-SocialMedia-Black small-1  Secure Connectivity

BYOS-logo-Square-SocialMedia-Black small-1  Radically reduced attack surface

Invisible assets, full access, improved efficiency, and reduced costs. Immediate Time to Value.

Tackle Any Security Challenge - Byos Serves A Whole Range of Use Cases 

How Byos Works

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Byos makes your assets invisible to the network they are connected to, even if the device’s network addresses and identities are known, automatically isolating them from attacks.

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Byos allows you to control what your devices can and cannot do, even if those assets are in remote and uncontrolled locations.


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Byos enables remote access to assets, to and from uncontrolled networks, while keeping them protected, isolated, and invisible to the local network.

Before & After Byos

The most effective way to secure your network is to make every device undiscoverable and inaccessible

How Byos Transforms Security Operations

Zero Threat Surface

Reduce Your Network Threat Surface to Zero

The device is no longer discoverable or accessible, leaving no room for attackers to spread their attack surface, lowering their ROI to insignificant levels

Simplify Stack

Simplify your stack

Byos simplifies resource access by streamlining network navigation - creating a flatter, consistent and intuitive design for large, multinational organizations, regardless of existing network complexity or security technologies.

Improve Visibility and Access

Instant Visibility, Consistent Accessibility

Gain centralized visibility for distributed endpoints, enabling consistent and simple device onboarding and policy management. Customers tell us they value Byos' ease and security - you can easily set an access policy for a single device or across all devices.


Enterprise Design and Deployment in 3 Simple Steps

Step 1

Get Set Up Quickly in Just 2 Hours


Get Started

Immediately secure your network: communicate online without being seen on the network, block 20 different types of adversary techniques and prevent lateral movement, and manage all your resources from a single console. Interested? Talk to us and try it out.

Step 2

Give Us Your Toughest Challenges



Quickly secure your critical assets within 6-12 days (Byos has even secured customers in less time than this) instead of months. Give us your most complex problems, build a 10-50 Edge Pilot, and validate a full enterprise design and rollout with Byos' platform.

Step 3

Scale Across Your Entire Network



Additional Edges deployed as your requirements expand. As there are no changes are required to your network, it's 100% consistent with the Pilot design, making it easier than ever for you to deploy and scale. 

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